Rise Up and Walk
ACTS 3:6
Peter and John met a man who could not walk and he was infront of the temple begging for money. Do you ever get consumed thinking about money and financial freedom? Well if you do please remember that the situation that the lame man found himself in could not be solved by more money in fact no amount of money could ever solve his problem. Peter gave him a special gift and that gift was a person called Jesus. It's easy to fall under the pressures of life and become a person that craves attention, love or money. But the only thing that will help you to get back on your feet again and be a person full of confidence and love is to have faith in the power and love of Jesus Christ. Some of us see life as sad and trying nevertheless God is able to make your life more meaningful and exciting. Just embrace him and engage with him in prayer and your life will be changed. One aspect about the miracle of the lame that many of us miss is that Peter and John introduced Jesus, not financial freedom or get rich quick schemes to him. If you want true happiness it doesn't come from the bank or from your pay cheque, it comes from having a personal relationship with God. When you have a good relationship with God you will find yourself leaping and praising God. If you don't believe me just read Acts 3 and imagine the feeling the lame man had when Jesus came into his life
Solomon, Neville