Evangelism 3 by 3 Modified
1. Pray that God would place 3 people on your heart to evangelize. (Week 1)
2. Pray for those 3 people on a daily basis.
3. Call or email each of the 3 people you intend to evangelize to find out how they are doing. (Week 2)
4. As time passes request to visit each of the 3 individuals you have selected to evangelize at their homes, and bring them a small gift. (Week 3)
5. Once in their homes pray for them and their household.
6. When the time is right invite each of the 3 individuals to come to church. (Week 4)
7. Lastly ensure that the 3 people you invite to church have a ride to come to church once they have shared that they would like to come.
By: Minister Neville Solomon
Copy right 2007 by Siloam Publishing
Siloam Publishing is the Christian Publishing division of New Village Publishing.
See www.s2w.homestead.com for the complete Evangelism 3 by 3 Outline.