Evangelism 3 by 3
For evangelism to be successful our evangelistic efforts must be God inspired, and God ordered. It is imperative to connect with our communities and overtly assume a position of spiritual leadership over every household within our neighborhoods.
There are a number of highly effective evangelistic programs that can be implemented within our church to assist us in connecting with sinners in our communities. For the purpose of this paper we will focus on one such program and the program is called Evangelism 3 by 3.
The following 7 points outline the Evangelism 3 by 3 model of outreach
1.Firstly a group of Christians should come together and form an Evangelism team made up of 3 saints, and these 3 saints should pray together asking God to fill them with passion for lost souls.
2.Secondly each Evangelism team member, after much prayer and guidance, should select 3 sinners as their primary evangelism targets.
3.Thirdly each Evangelism team member should then spend 30 consecutive days (approximately 15 minutes a day) praying for the 3 sinners on their evangelism target list, and on a weekly basis the Evangelism team should pray together and review their spiritual progress.
4.Fourthly after the 30 days of prayer each Evangelism team member should contact the 3 sinners on their evangelism target list via the telephone and inquire as to their well being (the Christian does not have to overtly evangelize these 3 people at this point).
5.Fifthly a few days after calling the 3 sinners on your evangelism target list, you should visit each of their homes and bring them a small gift (card, flowers, food, etc.). While in their home the Evangelism team member should pray for the sinner and for their home.
6.Sixthly a day or two after visiting each sinner's home it is vital to call them and invite them to church.
7.Lastly once a sinner agrees to attend church it is vital for you to arrange transportation for them. Whether by car, bus, train or taxi, get them to church and ensure that they continue to come.
The results of effective evangelism programs like Evangelism 3 by 3, and other bible based evangelistic models, will positively impact the church in many ways.
The two most significant results being, that more sinners will get saved resulting in numerical church growth and secondly more church members will become laborers in the Lord's harvest, resulting in corporate spiritual growth.
This article was written by Minister Neville Solomon Jr.
Copyright New Village Publishing 2006, all rights reserved www.nvp.homestead.com